

Some facts about me


Victor Filiano

3D artist / Compositor

I've been passionate about 3D since I was 16 years old. It's what I like to do, so I have worked as a professional 3D Artist for over 17 years. My catalog of work includes movies, short films, lot's of advert, I've developed habilities in hard surface modeling / lighting / rendering / compositing as there's always something new to learn, to teach (I've been a 3D teacher for over 15 years now), and to achieve. I believe our duty as humans is to solve problems and not to generate them. I like to focus on the task ahead as there are many solutions possible. I will love to work on any company or project where I can learn and teach.

E-mail: victor@filiano.xyz

Get In Touch

Get In Touch

If you made it here might as well send me an email to get some answers.

